
This is a video tribute made in honor of my brother, Jonathan Scott Mendoza. January 10, 2008 marked the ten year anniversary of his death.

This is for mom, dad, my sisters, Jewel and Jen and all friends and family who never let a day pass without remembering him.

My apologies… the video is no longer available on youtube…I took it off in fear of breaking any copyright laws. I still have it safe and sound on my desktop though, so mom, don’t worry I can make you copy if you want. 🙂

An estimated 20 million people in the United States have asthma and, despite the availability of treatments, it remains poorly controlled among many. This health problem is the reason for nearly 500,000 hospital stays each year. People with asthma can be of any race, age or sex. Its treatment costs billions of dollars each year. (Asthma and Allergy Foundation)

Learn all you can about asthma. It’s the first step toward erasing…long-held myths and living a full, active life.(Asthma and Allergy Foundation)